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Dianne Bennett-glimmer of hope

La Luz de Jesus Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition, “glimmer of hope” by artist Dianne Bennett.
Exhibition: September 9-October 1, 2023
Opening Reception Saturday, September 9, 4 pm-8 pm
a glimmer of hope
(looking 4 signs of higher intelligence)
Oxford Dictionary def: glimmer: shine faintly with a wavering light.
My newsfeed has been trending lately with articles about the mental and physical health benefits of connecting with birds and other wild beings. Birdwatching has grown hugely in popularity since the beginning of the pandemic, with reports that it can elicit feelings and body chemistry similar to that of being in love!
I can personally testify to this. I experience the transcendent and healing quality of observing birds, rabbits, and other wildlife daily. I wonder about their perspective of our shared world and ask myself, who is watching who? They might offer us a glimmer of hope in this critical time for our planet.
For this show at La Luz de Jesus Gallery, I have newly completed paintings from my celestial terrestrials and holy ghosts (in the desert where i live) book. I will have samples of my book available for the opening.
I am painting a series of portraits (on salvaged metal road signs) of species of wild animals I have encountered in urban, suburban, and exurban Los Angeles and in the Mojave desert where I live.
Contact Gallery Director Matthew Gardocki for purchase info or to be placed on the preview list: (323)666-7667