FADNAT – Circus Family Photo, 2023 đź”´
Oil on Cradled Wood in Shadow Box
17 x 17″
The giant CircleHeads are members of a traveling circus. They’ve come full circle around the country to their big final show. They’ve missed their love ones & are excited for the big circus family photo! Even GrouchyOwl & PeggyPig! They are a hermaphrodite ComedyCouple who share a body. Crowds love their banter. He complains about her lousy cooking & she with his lacking in the bedroom. No one ever tried to dated either of them so they found each other. Thankfully they are hermaphrodite & were able to produce their lovely daughter-Owlaina. She has Peggy’s snout, Owl colored hair, & BugEyes! Grouchy always found her eyes odd & didn’t know he was shooting blanks. He asked Peggy about it & she said,”Maybe you at a bug that day.” Turns out, one night as he slept, a RomanticBug seduced Peggy! They were going hot & he climaxed, just before Peggy crushed him. RIP Owlaina’s real father that some say you can see in the clouds. Peggy is taking this to the grave. BlueScully, the great Necromancer is here. In her act, she brings a 2 headed doll, in a white collared yellow dress to life. Its name is ”Buttons & Ghostly.” She makes it dance with someone in the crowd to big Cheers. Below her is her Mom, embarrassingly wearing the same yellow dress as Buttons & Ghostly. Mom, also a Necromancer, brought to life the next big performer-“Dolly the Giant Doll Clown!” She the draws the most crowds. Before the big photo, Dolly’s boyfriend, “Rough Leon” said she needed a more urban look and took her to a HairSalon in his neighborhood. It looks great! As they were leaving, a very old man said,”Oooh Weee, I’d play wit dat Doll all night!” Dolly blushed as Leon beat him up. They then got a MotelRoom. Dolly was sad when he dropped her off because he had errands (wife) & wouldn’t be with her in the CircusFamilyPhoto.”Surprise!” It’s Dolly’s daughter-PigBodyRaggedyAnn! She’s here with her boyfriend, Carny. He was formerly the CircusGeek. He’d always break out of his cage. The head Carny thought he must be smart and promoted him to Ringtoss & Ride Safety. He grunted it was time for the big photo. “Say Cheese!” The picture was taken, but wait, they’ll have to do it again because Carny had his booze out & he was fondling PigBody. Oh no, that was the last of the film! This was the only photo they took that day. They all agreed it was perfect & laughed.
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