The Wonder, Portraits of a Remembered City, Volume 1 by Tony Fitzpatrick


Tony Fitzpatrick spins magical tales from his own history and that of his beloved city via drawing-collages, vivid combinations of drawing, text and applied elements like matchbooks, postcards, gambling slips and ballgame stubs. In this gorgeous book, Fitzpatrick introduces the first set of drawing-collages as chapters in an ongoing project that is both personal diary and chronicle of Chicago. Includes 35 color plates.

96 Pages
Out of Print.
Limited quantity available for $35 each.

“Tony is so full of heart, life, and truth, that after you spend a few hours with this book, I think it’s safe to say you grew up in Chicago. It’s safe to say you lived in Tony’s heart. It’s all on these pages.”

– Penn Jillette

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