Joshua Almendinger-Hex Silhouette

Exhibition: March 26 – May 1, 2022


La Luz de Jesus Gallery is pleased to present Hex Silhouette, a solo exhibition featuring work by Yucca Valley-based artist, Joshua Almendinger, from March 26th-May 1st, 2022.

With its roots firmly placed in the land of folk art, Hex Silhouette, features the unbound aesthetic of mixed media artist, Joshua Almendinger. Each “Hex” piece consists of a simplistically shaped silhouette, cut from wood, and then painted with tiny narratives; creating a world within each piece. The feeling of being handmade is felt in every piece as the artist utilizes found objects and materials to construct his own canvas. Never tied to a uniform material or medium, Joshua Almendinger’s art successfully juxtaposes the personality of the found object with his own hand and layers it with his own mythology and stories. The work of Hex Silhouette is deceptively simple at first glance, creating a more inviting and personable environment for the viewer. Upon closer inspection, the viewer will become enraptured by the delicate and expressive brushwork of the painting used to illustrate the tall tales of each “hex”. Similar to the desert in which these pieces are created in, the true nature of these works are rich in an ever-moving subterranean life.

More Images and info soon.

Contact Gallery Director Matthew Gardocki for purchase info:  (323)666-7667