Jay Riggio-Something of a light

Jay Riggio
Something of a light
February 8-March 1, 2020
Opening Reception Saturday February 8, 2020 8-11p

La Luz de Jesus Gallery is pleased to present Something of a light, a solo exhibition by Jay Riggio on view from February 7 – March 1, 2020. The gallery will host an opening reception  Saturday, February 8, 2020 8-11p

Born from a place of disorder and distraction, Jay Riggio’s dreamlike collage works are both a meditation on and an escape from the chaos of our contemporary reality. Through the intricate mixing and layering of old, forgotten imagery, Riggio weaves together disparate fragments into surreal narratives – narratives that are both enchanting and ominous, inviting and dissociative. In addition to his hypnagogic compositions, the mode in which Riggio assembles his collages promotes mesmerizing disorientation and facilitates a kind of spiritual separation from the Real. Through his labor-intensive resin pouring technique, Riggio’s collages take the form of mystical, depth-filled environments. These otherworldly collages, to Riggio, are ways of escaping from this world. They offer their viewers a deeply complex and highly enchanting portal to another place: an ineffable and surreal visual field of disorder, anxiety, and, yet, uncanny beauty.

Jay Riggio was born and raised in Long Island, New York in 1978. He is a self-taught visual artist focusing on mixed media collages that depict dream-inspired stories through unique, surrealistic pairings. Riggio began exhibiting his work in 2014 and has shown with galleries across the globe such as M2 Gallery in Sydney, Something in the Attic Gallery in London, Soho Arts Club in New York, and Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco. Having experience as a journalist, Riggio has collaborated with and created commissions for publications including The New York Times, T Magazine, Vulture Magazine, and Brooklyn Magazine. This will be Jay’s inaugural show with La Luz de Jesus Gallery

Contact Gallery Director Matthew Gardocki for purchase info:
info@laluzdejesus.com  (323)666-7667