FADNAT – Mischievous MaddyMatador, 2023


Oil on canvas

24 x 30″

Welcome to El FADNAT Ranch!  It’s run by an OldCowGal named,”El Fuego!” She holds every BullRiding record in Mexico! She was brave & wild. Only wearing a thong & her trademark belly shirt in competitions. Even today, her fancy El Fuego dress has the belly exposed to show off the tattoo of her only daughter, Maddy. That’s her, El MattyMatador below her. She’s not a real Matador, but loves ranch life & bulls. She may be short in stature, but tall in hard work. She travels all over the world to see bullfights. As the daughter of El Fuego, she’s granted exclusive access to the events & brings the Matador a very special meal before their big fight. The Matador then finds himself violently ill & Dies suffering. During the commotion, Maddy steals all their prized bulls & brings them back to the El FADNAT Ranch & Bull Sanctuary. MamaFuego is proud of her for defending the bulls & is why she still wears belly shirts. Fuego’s also proud of her weird son, NakedBarny. He’s always naked & never leaves the barn, but does a great job tending to the bulls. (Rumored to be FADNAT) Weirder than Barny, is the Green Human-LikeMan they’ve seen hiding around the last few months. He’s dressed like a cowboy. He,s coming over here now! He’s wearing a stolen FADNATRanchHat, with an AdidasTrackTop with an exposed belly-tattoo of his Daughter! His wobbly daughter arrives below him. She peculiarly wore her jeans to her neck. She then, dozily said she’s an Astronaut & struggled to put her hand on Maddy’s shoulder to stand upright. GreenMan held her up by her arm & said,”I’m Froggy & this here, is my daughter, Spacy.” El Fuego yelled,”You’re an Alien, I’ve seen you in the bushes, studying us! All humans don’t have belly tattoos of our daughters!” The Alien fest up. He said he’s named, Franky. His planet studied EarthFrankensteins because their people resembled them & hoped there’d be some nearby in order to assimilate themselves to Earth. He said desperately, his daughter is a Robot & is running out of energy. He’s planted these fast growing, PurpleBubbleEnergyTrees, but needs a convertor or she’ll self destruct! “NakedBarny has one!” AlienFranky ran to the barn, covered his eyes & asked. He had it & it worked! Spacy is charged up! Just one of those TreeBubbles supports the whole town for a year! Franky called his buddies to help grow more & they’ve replaced oil! As they celebrated, Franky, with no concept of aging on his planet, thinks El Fuege is hot & they rush to the barn to Bang. NakedBarny is disgusted & finally leaves the barn. Thanks to ZOOM, Barny can stay naked while running the wealthiest company in the world, FADNAT ENERGY!

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