Exhibition: September 7 -30th
Reception: Fri. September 7th, 8-11 PM
La Luz de Jesus Gallery is pleased to present artist Harold Fox “Bullets & Wine” this marks the artists’ fourth exhibition with the gallery. Harold Fox b. 1939 is a former commercial artist who lives in Brookings, OR. In this show, vibrant paintings are populated with stories and characters that have seemingly jumped right out of a 1930’s Tod Browning film. With nods to Social Realist painters of the 1930’s and 40’s like Reginald Marsh the images reveal the underbelly of society, with the artist is often inserting himself into the picture; he is at once creator and player acting out personal mythologies for the viewer to revel in and dissect. Harold grew up in Southern, CA so many of the paintings locations feel familiar from Film Noir, Automobile culture, and long gone amusement parks like the Long Beach Pike.
“The pictures I have made trying to represent, to some extent, everyone’s experiences in perhaps a surreal or a fantasy form. An ambiance or deja vu familiarity maybe from a dream, or a nightmare and even a reality that exists somewhere. It is the negative experience that is most enduring, at least for me…like sitting down to enjoy your favorite pie only to discover a dead fly on it. I hope the viewer enjoys each piece as much as I did painting it. ” — Harold Fox
Contact gallery director Matthew Gardocki for purchase info:
info@laluzdejesus.com (323)666-7667