April 3 – 26, 2015 Opening Reception: Friday, April 3rd, 8-11 PM Hove Closing Lecturing: Saturday, April 25th, 7-10 PM
SCOTT HOVE Pussy Jihad
In popular, straight, male culture, to be labeled with the misogynist term ‘Pussy’ is one of the ultimate, emasculating insults a man can receive. In contemporary, religious, fundamentalist culture, Pussy must be marginalized, shamed, circumcised, hidden, and minimalized under the threat of death. The term ‘Pussy’ in the title of this show is used both literally and as metaphor. Pussy in this context will represent the peak, positive expressions of the feminine… kindness, lush beauty, intimate pleasure, the promise of the everlasting.
The title of the show Pussy Jihad points out the ultimately, cowardly ethos behind the religious, fundamentalist position–using Pussy as an explosive weapon. Those who destroy lives, culture, and nature behind the moral facade of religion are pussies. This unforgiving and sad morality must be destroyed via Pussy Jihad.
Scott Hove is a primarily self-taught, San Francisco born artist living in Los Angeles. His ‘Cakeland’ sculptures integrate dualistic themes in a highly theatrical manner, using traditional cake decorating techniques in sculptures and installations to describe a world of implied comfort and threat. His work has been featured on the Food Network and on several travel and gourmet programs. Scott’s works encompasses a broad variety of media, from sculptural installations to painting, but the cakes are formed using carvable polyurethane foam and plywood. They are frosted with a variety of acrylic media and accessorized with fake fruit and other objects found in stores or on the street. The materials and techniques borrow from traditional and decorative arts and craft to render the oftentimes jarring objects and fantasy installations. The archways here at Littletopia were created on site, specifically for this space.
Hove’s co-opting of kitsch is elevated through satire, allowing him to integrate topical political and social issues as textual messages in a thought-provoking rather than offensive manner.
For the past decade, photographer and art historian Paul Koudounaris has been traveling the world to document macabre funerary culture and artwork created with human bones. In the process, he produced two prior books, The Empire of Death and Heavenly Bodies. But his third and final book on the topic, Memento Mori, is intended as the magnum opus, and includes material from a vast array of cultures and historical periods in order to show, in stunning visual terms, mankind’s universal desire to cross the threshold of death and continue a meaningful relationship with those who have departed. This photo show held in conjunction with the release of the book will include the finest of his images, somber yet beautiful testaments from around the world that affirm the unbreakable bond between the living and the dead.
Dr. Paul will be singing copies of Memento Mori at the opening reception from 7-9PM.