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Lupercalian Celebration
A Feral House Event!
February 17th, 2017
Save the Date! Saturday, February 17th is the day reserved for all things Feral at Wacko La Luz de Jesus in Los Angeles, California. Whether you’re striving for love or fertility, we promise that if you parade naked down Hollywood Boulevard a she-wolf will happily mete out a harsh whipping upon your fine porcelain ass.
Lupercalia Madness Sale
In past years, we’ve offered a sale during the traditional winter holiday season. In celebration of 2017 and our mad, mad, mad new world, we’re embracing the chaos and sharing it with you on our Lupercalia celebration, February 17th.
Don Bolles (Germs, Celebrity Skin, MARS FM) will be the DJ.
Mike Stax will give a 20 minute talk about his book Swim Through the Darkness, which he’ll also be signing.
Maja D’Aoust will be giving a talk on “Fenrir the Wolf in the Apocalypse of Ragnarok”
Feral House publisher Adam Parfrey will give his two cents about current events as he signs your books, and other special guests are sure to attend and sign as well.
A full line of Feral House titles can be bought in person or online:
Swim Through the Darkness
Encyclopedia of Hell
David Bowie:Color the Starman
Lemmy Kilmister: Color the Ace of Spades
The Secret Source
David Bowie: Color the Starman – Feral House Coloring Books for Adults
83 Pages, $15.95
Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead: Color the Ace of Spades – Feral House Coloring Books for Adults
88 Pages, $15.95
Encyclopaedia of Hell – Martin Olson
240 Pages, $19.95
Swim Through the Darkness – Mark Stax
228 Pages, $19.95
The Secret Source – Maja D’Aoust & Adam Parfrey
216 Pages, $19.95
Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas – Al Ridenour
248 Pages, $25
Keep tuned to our social media streams for more details!
What are you offering? Oh, good stuff. Deals. Free items. Coolness.
Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead:
Color the Ace of Spades Out Now!
Feral House Coloring Book II – LEMMY KILMISTER OF MOTÖRHEAD: COLOR THE ACE OF SPADES from Feral House on Vimeo.
We’ll be providing crayons and sample pages from all of the Feral House Coloring Book series, which includes Lemmy, Bowie, Ali, and Prince:
Prince is the type of multi-sexual godhead we respect. Driven by his singular sense of mission as he chased perfection, his music reflects the primordial urge of human sexual needs as well as any art ever has. As much as the devil takes his due, Prince’s physical body was trapped in chronic and excruciating pain. Yet he played on. We celebrate Prince’s life and art with a coloring book inspired by his music, humor, and otherworldly style.
Release date: April 25, 2017
Contact the Book Store for advance purchase info: (323) 663-0122 or